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Pause Before The Unpause

Writer: S. Altopp-Miller, LCSWS. Altopp-Miller, LCSW

Ready or not, the unpause is coming! This has not been a one-size-fits-all pandemic and our reentry experience into some kind of altered normal will be as vastly individual as each one of us. Covid-19 has elicited different responses from each individual.

I see you, healthcare professional, whose job overtook your life. And all you who are out of work and barely hanging on. I see you who are working from home while caring for family. And you, student, who lost a semester of academics, extracurricular activities, and possibly your graduation ceremony. All of you working essential jobs through all of this so that we may have food, prescriptions, protection, electricity, mail, and UPS deliveries, you are lifesavers. I see you who are craving social connection, you who are tired, lonely, frustrated, grieving, depressed, and anxious as well as you who welcomed a time of respite.

For some, the unpause won’t mean a big change; They’ll continue going to work as they have been all along, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll get time to rest. Others have been chomping at the bit since day one to get back in the scene, while some may have been afforded a rest like they’ve never experienced before and aren’t ready to reenter the grind. But the unpause is coming. We can’t deny that, collectively, the world has changed. Covid-19 will leave its mark on history, and on each individual who lived through it. What will your takeaway be?

As the country unpauses, we must personally, individually pause. I offer this journal prompt to assist you in processing your pandemic experience. When we reflect on an experience, we deepen our connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and behavior. Use it once, once a week, or once a day to guide you through and to a thoughtful, intentional future.

Dear Self,

Here is what was challenging: ________________________________________________, and _______________________________________got me through my most difficult times.

Here is what went well_______________________________________________________ , and I’m thankful for _________________________________________________________.

Here is something I learned about myself: _________________________________________________________________________.

Moving forward, I want more ________________________________________________ in my life and less ____________________________________________________________.

Here is my plan to encourage a more peaceful, joyful, authentic new normal:

I. First, I will _____________________________________________________________




II. Next, I will _____________________________________________________________




III. Lastly, I will ____________________________________________________________




Wishing you a smooth transition, fellow traveler!



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